KPC snubs Farooq for demanding Chinese intervention in Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, July 21: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) today while making a dig at National Conference (NC ) for giving China stake in India, held it responsible for the unrest in the Valley as well as for the plight of Kashmiri Pandits leading an exiled life outside Valley for last 27 years.
In a statement issued here, today KPC Chief Kundan Kashmiri took serious exception for unbecoming and irresponsible statement of former Chief Minister and NC president Dr Abdullah, asking for holding talks with separatists and Pakistan the mastermind of world terrorism as well as giving stake to China in India, first enemy of Indian nation, which has already grabbed one part of Jammu and Kashmir.
KPC Chief while condemning the statement of NC Chief, termed him an opportunist and double standard politician who has been giving immature and anti–national statements from time to time for the politics of his convenience. He said that after being ousted from the power Dr Farooq is talking the language of separatists, who have made Kashmir hostage for implementing the agenda of Pakistan and China.
While terming Farooq Abdullah a real culprit of Kashmir unrest, Kashmiri said NC is trying to be-fool the Kashmiri masses and international community by issuing such statements and since the day unrest has broken out in Kashmir, NC is trying to project itself as the only alternative to rule J&K. The NC leaders and its activists were directly or indirectly involved in stone pelting and unrest in the Valley are now playing dirty politics by demanding third party intervention and to involve China in Kashmir issue.
KPC wanted to know why opportunist Farooq Abdullah was so patriotic when he ruled the State for so many of long years, now out of power is acting like a spokesman of separatists, Pakistan and miscreants, which shows he is among those Kashmiri leaders who have no politics of principle and change colours like a chameleon.” He suggested NC leadership not try to unsettle the settled issue, by making Kashmir a hell.
He appealed them to allow the Kashmiri masses to live a peaceful life and Government. of India must take serious note of his un–wanted and irrelevant statements.