KPC rejects enrolment of voters list for migrants

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Apr 19: Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) has categorically rejected the election process for the displaced Pandits and said that the Government should give priority to rehabilitation of the community at a single place in the Valley instead of starting enrolment of voters lists for them.
In a meeting at New Delhi today held under the chairmanship of its president, Kundan Kashmiri it was impressed upon the Central and UT Government of J&K that rehabilitation and redressal of grave issues is priority for Kashmiri Pandits in exile and not elections and registration of votes.
While expressing it’s dismay over ignoring and isolating the victim Kashmiri Pandits, Kundan Kashmiri, stated that the Government of India and leaders at the helm of affairs never had any time or inclination to listen to the victim Kashmiri Pandits and community unfortunately found no takers for their tale of sorrow in the corridors of power. “No one in the Union Territory administration and at the Centre had the courtesy to look into their plight, not to think of mitigating their woes”, he added.
He said the successive heads of Governments in Jammu Kashmir and New Delhi did not consider it necessary even to talk to Kashmiri Pandits in a serious manner.
Other KPC leaders and activists who expressed similar view included Dr.HL Saraf, Tej Pandita, M K Raina, Susheel Bhat, R L Raina, S L Zutshi, S K Wali etc.