Kavinder Gupta listens public grievances

BJP leader Kavinder Gupta interacting with people at BJP office on Tuesday.
BJP leader Kavinder Gupta interacting with people at BJP office on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 23: Listening to the public grievances at BJP headquarters in Jammu, Kavinder Gupta, former Dy Chief Minister, talked to the department officials to provide solutions for the issues presented by the visiting masses.
Kavinder Gupta said that there are many administrative and personal issues, which are faced by the masses in their daily routine. For those issues they need to approach various departments in which they often feel uneasy. To provide relief to the masses in this important matter, BJP with its commitment to serve the masses dedicatedly, has directed the senior party leaders to devote their dedicated time to meet the common masses at party headquarter, know their issues and take them to appropriate destination.
Gupta added that BJP is working on the principle of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas” in J&K. He said that the party and its leaders are continuously working for the welfare of the masses, especially for the prevalence of peace and progress in the region of Jammu & Kashmir.
Visiting individuals and the deputations presented various issues pertaining to drinking water, electricity, NABARD roads etc. Listening patiently to the issues, Kavinder Gupta immediately talked to the concerned department officials and issued letters for the others, assuring the masses of the quick solutions to their presented issues.
Kavinder Gupta was accompanied by BJP Office Secretary Tilak Raj Gupta and Library Incharge Kulbhushan Mohtra.