‘Kashmir Files’ exposes those forces responsible for KPs exodus: Khajuria

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 17: Former State president BJP and senior party leader, Ashok Khajuria today said that Kashmir Files has made a postmortem of terrorism and separatist forces in Kashmir and the film is totally based on facts.
Talking to party activists here, today he said that at last somebody mustered courage to bring the real face of separatists and fundamental elements of Kashmir to fore who totally communalised the situation in Valley by making the miniscule minority of Kashmiri Pandits their safe target to engineer the genocide of the community.
Khajuria also took the leaders of some Kashmir centric parties to task and held them responsible for killing and forced exodus of the Pandits who were the aborigines of the Valley. He said the film has exposed them one and all and they all are answerable to the Pandits.
He said the Kashmiri Pandits became victims of gun wielding terrorists and the pseudo secularist leaders of the country could not see the same through their myopic eyes. Khajuria said it was BJP right from 1989 which took up the issue of these hapless people forcefully and sought justice for them and party stands for their rehabilitation in Kashmir with honour and dignity to fulfill their geo-political aspirations.
Khajuria lambasting National Conference (NC) for demanding a judicial probe into mass exodus of the Pandits said had the party been so sincere why it could not order the same during its Government in 1996 or 2008. He said the exodus of the Pandits from Valley was a great tragedy and the Film has exposed all forces responsible for the same. The peace loving community became the worst victim of secularism in Kashmir, he added.
He said it is unfortunate to absolve themselves of the accusations the Kashmiri leaders are still holding the former Governor Jagmohan responsible for exodus of the Pandits which is totally baseless and misleading.