Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 5: Strongly rejecting Jammu and Kashmir former Governor Jagmohan’s demand for removal of Article -35 -A, senior Congress leader and former Minister Tariq Hameed Karra has said that a hostile situation was being created deliberately across the country against the special status of the Jammu and Kashmir and the latest seminar and documentary release was part of that nefarious design .
In a statement, Karra said that RSS and BJP were working overtime to create a wedge between the people of Jammu and Kashmir and rest of the country to gain political mileage and Article 370 was being used as a tool to achieve that desire of the saffron brigade. He added that a well thought out plan has been worked out by BJP and RSS to use the Kashmir Issue for garnering support in the upcoming Gujrat and other State Assembly elections and people like Jagmohan were part of that game plan.
The former minister reminded Jagmohan of his ‘misrule’ and ‘misadventures’ he practiced as a part of his experiments with the people of the Jammu and Kashmir as Governor of the State. He reminded Jagmohan that he too was appointed as Governor by the Presidential order and said if Jagmohan was so concerned about the ‘legality’ of the Article 35-A and knew the ‘provisions introduced through the constitutional Order of 1954 were done unconstitutionally,’ why did not he make attempts to abrogate then?
He said BJP has purchased a section of media also to propagate its designs and create a situation of rhetoric and hostility in the country only to fulfill its designs.