Judiciary, executive divide becoming deeper: Rohatgi

NEW DELHI: Lamenting that the “divide” between the executive and the judiciary is “becoming deeper day by day”, former attorney general Mukul Rohatgi has alleged that the judiciary has gone beyond its brief in the last three decades and needs to draw a “lakshman rekha”.

He also criticised the Supreme Court’s order striking down the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC), calling it unconstitutional and said it was one of the reasons for the face-off between the two pillars of democracy.

Can parliament say “we will decide the cases” as “you (courts) cannot solve” the problem of pending cases? All pillars need to respect each other and draw a ‘lakshman rekha’, Rohatgi told Rajya Sabha TV in an interview, according to a statement issued by the public broadcaster.

“There has to be a lakshman rekha. It cannot virtually become an overarching situation when courts are running the Government, whether you should have music after 10 pm? Is that fair on the part of the courts to decide? Courts need to draw a lakshman rekha,” he said. (AGENCIES)