Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 8: After confirmation of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and neighbouring Himachal Pradesh, J&K Veterinary Doctors’ Association (JKVDA) has sounded alert and urged people to take necessary precautions and follow the advisories issued by the Department of Animal Husbandry.
President JKVDA Dr M Ishaq Bhat and vice president Dr Shadaab assured that the Animal Health authorities in the Union Territory are ready with advanced action plan and preparedness to contain the spread of the disease and mitigate the impact, in case of an eventuality.
Dr Ishfaq Dhobi (general secretary) emphasized that the active surveillance and investigation in and around the water bodies/wetlands of the Union Territory, besides strict monitoring of birds coming from outside the valley has been started and will be taken more seriously.
He advised the general public to remain alert & vigilant and report any unusual symptoms/mortality in birds (wild/domestic poultry flock) to the nearest veterinary doctor urgently. He also advised strict bio-security measures, washing of hands before and after contact with birds, changing of clothes before and after contact with the flock, and disinfection of vehicles upon entering and leaving the farm.
The Association advised poultry farmers to avoid water logging and carcass dumping around the farms, use disinfectants and foot dips as bio-security measures, avoid use of wet litter and replace it to avoid contamination, restrict entry of strangers into the farm, use proper gear and hygienic practices while in farm, immediately report any type of sickness in birds to Veterinary Hospital, avoid entry of wild birds (pigeon, crows, etc) into farms and use immunity enhancers and antioxidants like Vitamin C, E and selenium.