JKTJAC seeks transfer policy for 3rd teachers, others

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 23: Jammu Kashmir Teachers Joint Action Committee (JKTJAC) held a meeting which was chaired by its JK UT president, Vinod Sharma and was attended by all the executives and district presidents. It was hosted by district president, Doda, Sajad Malik.
The meeting pivoted around the call for submissions of suggestions in transfer policy of School Education Department where the fate of Rehbar -e- Taleem borne teachers including 3rd teachers, Teachers Grade 2 and Teacher Grade 3 is still not clearly defined.
It, however complimented the Principal Secretary, School Education, Asgar Samoon for revolutionizing the education sector starting from primary to higher secondary level resulting in a ray of hope for justice flickered among the forlorn community who has been neglected time and again.
The meeting strongly advocated that keeping a teacher stagnant at a particular place for years together is sheer injustice not only with the teachers but also with the students of that particular area as by doing so the Government is curbing the chance of exposure and growth of the teachers and hindering the teaching learning process.
The meeting said the teachers have been granted transfer on Cabinet Order No 469 Edu. of 2014 but unfortunately these teachers fell prey to political rivalry and other reasons known best to Government and were barred from transfer vide Order No 622 of Edu. of 2015 dated 22.12.2015.
Some members raised questions on credibility of Government that if the RET teachers were thrown into every nook and corner of the UT to run schools where others feared to join why the benefits were snatched from them.
The need and demand of transfer was made already and an appeal was made to Principal Secretary yet he chose to ask for suggestions on social media which is a bit thought provoking. The teachers in this sect are working in same schools for 15 to 20 years and hence they must be transferred.
It was made clear that even without transfer policy the services if these elite teachers are being utilized in higher secondaries as substitute teachers also.
It was strongly put forth that the online classes are turning success because of these teachers who are tirelessly working for the betterment of students.
Issue of female teachers was also brought into light by the Executive who are the worst victims of the stagnation having disturbed married and family life.