JKSTMA resents Govt move on transfer policy for ReT Teachers

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 24: Jammu Kashmir SSRB Teacher/Master Association (JKSTMA) has appealed the School Education Department not to touch the sensitive issue of transfer policy for ReT Teachers as it would not be good for the schools as well as the General Line Teachers.
A telephonic meeting of the Association was convened by its State President Rakesh Singh to oppose any move on ReT transfer policy by Government. Singh said that in order to provide elementary education in the far flung areas, Central Govt of that time had started a scheme of SSA in which local candidates were engaged as Rehaber -e -Taleem Teachers on the recommendation of village education committee (VEC) of that village only on the condition that they would serve the village without demanding transfer in future, at least till their further promotion to next higher grade and they have also given written affidavit for the same .
As per order number 111 of School Education Department “Ret Teachers are engaged on school specific post and even after their regularization, they are not entitled for transfer till their promotion to next higher grade “, observed the members.
Singh said that Ret Teachers have no right of transfer till their promotion to next higher level post as they are engaged on basis of village level competition on school specific post by taking concessional exemption from District level competition. He further said that nature of ReT post is supernumerary which is not entitled for to be consideration of transfer.
The Association also urged the Village Education Committees/Sarpanches and Panches and parents of Government school students to oppose any move of ReT transfer policy by tooth and nail to protect the future of their children. “Due to misusing of official powers by few Education Officer in previous regime, ReT scheme became the ReT scam which was evident from many newspaper reports and several Jammu Kashmir High Court judgements and we hope that no such incidents be repeated in future by the School Education authorities,” Singh added.