JKEEGA calls on MD CVPPPL, seeks promoters agreement compliance

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 27: The Jammu and Kashmir Electrical Engineering Graduates Association (JKEEGA) delegation under chairmanship of Sachin Tickoo, general secretary along with others called on Managing Director CVPPPL Arun Choudhary and expressed resentment over violation of the Promoters Agreement of Dec 10, 2010, defining incorporation of Chenab Valley Power Projects[P] Ltd signed between four parties namely –Government of Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department, JK State Power Development Corporation, NHPC and PTC, wherein the position of Joint Managing Director is lying vacant since inception which is to be filled from amongst the JKPDD cadre.
The delegation drew attention to the Section 5, Clause 5.3[b] of the Promoters Agreement, which read as- ‘The Chairman of the Board shall be Non-Executive professional who shall be appointed by JKSPDC in consultation with NHPC.The posts of Managing Director CVPPPL and Joint Managing Director shall be held by nominees of NHPC and JKPDD/JKSPDC respectively.’
The essence of such agreement clause was to ensure equitable sharing of responsibility in decision making and promoting the Technical expertise of the top engineers of the J&K PDD in Power Projects. However, it has been witnessed that the complete management and administrative control has been taken over by NHPC Ltd. despite the fact that 49 percent shareholding of CVPPPL is held by GOJK through JKPDD. The position of Joint Managing Director, CVPPPL to be manned by a representative of GOJK PDD is lying vacant since inception.
JKEEGA put forth that Section 9, Clause 9.12[a], [b] of the Promoters Agreement, CVPPPL which stipulated that – 80 percent of the Group C and D staff in the company shall be permanent residents of Jammu Kashmir subject to suitability, availability and eligibility and a minimum of 49 percent of the Group A and B staff in the company shall be Permanent residents of Jammu Kashmir subject to suitability, availability and eligibility. The requirement in these categories shall be met out either by way of deputation from NHPC, JKSPDC/PDD or through recruitment by the company.
However, with respect to the implementation of the Section 9 Clauses 9.12[a] and 9.12[b] referred above, the same have been violated to conveniently open up avenues for the rehabilitation of NHPC employees only thereby, depriving the young skilled manpower from Jammu Kashmir.
Managing Director listened patiently to the demands of the association and assured to take the issues with the Board of Directors.