Reference JKAACL holds General Council meeting (Daily Excelsior Dec. 18, 2016). Besides holdings this meet after 35 years, it was unique in other ways too. For instance,  the press release issued by the JKAACL clearly shows that it has two categories of members in its general council. First, the active participants and the second invited only for a lunch and go, therefore their names need no mention. Next, completely deviating from the old tradition, State Finance and Culture Minister was elected as vice president, so to say, from CM down to Secretary to the Academy these three executive seats stand occupied by the Government in this otherwise said to be an autonomous organization. No elected representative of writers/artists fraternity and none representing Jammu or Ladakh.
Whereas the institution of more annual awards was appreciated, there was an observation regarding the title ‘Sharf-e-Saqafat’ of Rs 10 lakh, biennial lifetime achievement award and it was suggested that it may be replaced by another appropriate caption easily understandable among the three regions of the State. Proper discussion was, therefore, necessary before its final approval, or otherwise there is a set procedure to send it to a select committee whose recommendations help to reach the final decision.
Coming again to the council meeting, generally such meetings are not held to appreciate or discard any individual’s work or his person, but taking into account the ground realities, try to find out the ways and means, as also suggest proper action for an overall development of that particular organization. There were some very important issues, which if not attended in time or allowed further deterioration will cause much damage to art, culture and languages and finally the image of the Academy as a whole. But, when the attention of the general council was being drawn to such issues, total discussion was intentionally diverted towards film making and financial aid in crores to the film makers, not in State’s regional languages but what is being produced in Bollywood in the name of commercial cinema. What role the State Academy will play in these affairs is still not clear, hence, there were no comments from any side. So far, what to talk of video recordings or any other proper documentation, the State Academy have not even maintained the directories of the writers/artists and many among them left us for ever. Another issue of having J&KState’s own cultural policy, although came under discussion, was not absolutely within State Academy’s jurisdiction because the term ‘Culture’ is so broad and of many folds that not only the State Academy but many other departments directly or indirectly are involved in it and nothing can be finalized in their absence. Still some members wanted more time to study it, thoroughly before making any comments. And in the last, one wonders, are such meetings of intellectuals for the cause of art and literature and the welfare of the writers/artists  considered threat to the national security that the Press is not allowed to cover them?
Yours etc…
Narsingh Dev Jamwal