JK Teachers Forum delegation meets Chief Secy, discusses issues & demands

JKTF delegation meeting with Chief Secy Arun Kumar Mehta on Tuesday.
JKTF delegation meeting with Chief Secy Arun Kumar Mehta on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 31: A delegation of Jammu Kashmir Teachers Forum, led by its Chairman Ganesh Khajuria & President Mohammad Shafi Rather, met Chief Secretary, Arun Kumar Mehta at Civil Secretariat Jammu and discussed with him the issues being faced by the employees of School Education Department.
The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Chief Secretary and undertook a threadbare discussion on each and every point raised in the memorandum. Several issues confronted by the employees were highlighted in the memorandum.
Issues, which came under discussion, included resumption of the promotion from Teacher to Master halted from 2014, infrastructure upgradation in Government Schools, framing a comprehensive transfer policy in favour of Grade II and Grade III teachers, adjustment of the promoted Headmasters & Lecturers, confirmation of incharge cadre, scrapping of new pension scheme and implementation of Old Pension scheme in favour of appointees appointed on or after 01/01/2010, regularization of CPWs and bringing CPWs, Land donors, Chowkidars etc under the minimum Wages Act, framing of cadre based Job policy in favour of contractual employees engaged under the erstwhile scheme of SSA and RMSA, removal of pay disparity of Masters in the pre-revised pay grade of 6500-10500, Grant of 2 increments in favour of teachers of 2019 batch appointed under SRO-202, redressal of issues pertaining to PM Package and Jammu based employees, resolution of long pending demands of Rehbar-e-khel Teachers, filling of the vacancies of CEOs, ZEOs, DIET Principals, HoDs, Lecturers, Teachers, ministerial staff etc, starting job oriented courses like fisheries, Sanskrit, public administration etc from Secondary level, bringing the teachers at par with other Union Territories of India in terms of pay, grade and other emoluments.
Chief Secretary patiently listened to the delegation and assured that all these issues would be taken up on a fast track basis. He said that all the genuine grievances of the employees will be taken up with the concerned quarters.
The delegation comprised of Bashir Ahmad Thokar, Jamait Ali Agha, Javaid Ahmad Malik, Kuldeep Singh Bandral, Ghulam Nabi Ganie, P D Singh, Naseer Ahmad Shah, Dr Abdullah, Reyaz Mehmood Kalgan, Muneer Ahmad and others.