Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 27: Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research (JIAR) today organized a special gynaecology medical camp at Anganwadi centre, Raipur.
The camp was organized to address the health issues of women. In the camp, women from the adjoining areas with specific gynecology problems were treated. Free consultation and free medicines were provided to the patients.
The camp was conducted by Dr Sheetal (Assistant Prof), Dr Akanksha Mah-ajan and Dr Lubna (Medical Offic-ers), and Dr Kiran Deep Kour as well as Shweta Khaju-ria (PG Scholars) under the guidance of Chairp-erson, Suman Sh-arma.
Principal JIAR, Dr Ragh-uvir Singh and Vice Principal, Dr Nitin Mahajan said that these camps mainly focus on Anemia control and hygiene promotion. They urged upon the locals to avail benefits of such camps.