Jammu in worst condition under present dispensation: Lal Singh

Ex-MP and DSSP leader Ch Lal Singh addressing public rally in Kathua on Wednesday.
Ex-MP and DSSP leader Ch Lal Singh addressing public rally in Kathua on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Nov 30: Former Member Parliament and Chairman of Dogra Swabhiman Sangthan Party (DSSP), Ch Lal Singh today said that Jammu is in worst condition under present dispensation.
Addressing a public meeting at village Sumona in Kathua district today, Ch Lal Singh said that the party which promised political empowerment to Jammu has literally left it in total chaos, lawlessness, corruption and scared. Not only that the people have been deprived of popular rule.
The former MP further said that the Constitution of India which assumes a democratically elected Govt to run the affairs of its varied administrative units is being brazenly defied. The proxy rule of Centre has been imposed upon the people of Jammu and Kashmir through a handful of people in the form of bureaucrats who are going with an ulterior motive having no attachment with the cause of Jammu or the entire UT.
Asserting that there was hardly any accountability or transparency in governance, Singh said that the system exhibited explicit signs of collapse with no takers for the voices of sanity fighting for justice, equity and fair play. Favouritism, nepotism and corruption had become the order of the day. While opposition continued to be hammered through the iron fist of police and any dissent is treated as anti-national.
The bureaucratic rule having hardly any accountability to the people was indulging in ‘My way or Highway’ approach with least concern for the woes and sufferings of the common masses. With the general public having no access to the helmsmen, and none to listen to the injustice heaped upon them, they were feeling crushed under the feet of present autocratic and bureaucratic set up working as unquestionable despots in J&K, Lal Singh asserted.
Earlier, the rally started from Kathua residence of Ch Lal Singh escorted by youth on the bikes and Ex-MP in his typical style while driving tractor to the venue of the rally.
Prominent among those present included Rajinder Singh Bubby, Chairman Municipal Council Kathua, Ashok Sharma , Corporator, Jatinder Papu, District president DSSP and many Panchas and Sarpanchas.