Ivy Hospital performs 1st Bariatric Surgery on 30 yrs old lady

Team of Ivy Hospital Amritsar addressing a press conference after performing 1st Bariatric Surgery on a 30 years old lady.
Team of Ivy Hospital Amritsar addressing a press conference after performing 1st Bariatric Surgery on a 30 years old lady.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 24: Ivy Hospital Amritsar performed 1st Bariatric Surgery on a 30 years old lady weighing 135 kg and having BMI of 45.2 kg/m2.
She has comorbidities of hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, bronchial asthma and PCOD.
Due to excessive weight, her lipid profile was deranged, blood pressure was high and her respiratory problems had worsened.
The patient wanted to have a baby but she had developed PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), very common in obese females. She was advised to lose excess weight of around 60 kg for a safe pregnancy in near future.
Moreover, she had also developed bilateral knee pain due to her morbid obesity and was kept on multiple medications.
She underwent a successful Bariatric Surgery at Ivy Hospital Amritsar on September 7, 2023.
The patient was up and walked the same day of the procedure and was discharged from the hospital within 48 hours.
At present, her weight is 120 kg and her respiratory problems have already alleviated.
The surgical team was led by Dr Arun K Sharma, a trained Minimal Access, Bariatric and General Surgeon from AIIMS, New Delhi.
The Anesthesia team was led by Dr Gurpreet Gill.
Ivy Hospital, Amritsar is organizing a free obesity camp with free Dietitian Consultation under the expertise of Dr Arun K Sharma on October 8, 2023 at their Jammu Centre-Goel Centre, Gole Market, Gandhi Nagar where patients suffering from obesity and its related diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, skeletal problems and fatty liver will be examined by Dr Arun and his team from 10 am onwards.