It’s fun time

Ayesha Mahajan
The children are on a long break after a hectic period of intensive studies. In every street their loud cheer can be heard as this is the time for them to relax and rejuvenate their faded spirits. They have set everything aside connected to studies and are busy enjoying this ‘much-awaited’ break.  There was a time when we would pester our parents to take us to our ancestral home or to grandparents’ home or out on picnics usually to places free from the hustle and bustle of the city life. But these things are increasingly seeing a change. The reasons could be holiday homework or coaching classes or in cases where both parents are working, whether they would get leave.
Holidays are times when parents and children are always on the lookout for activities to do at home or outside that combine fun with creativity and learning. For parents who are worried about how to engage their wards during their vacation, summer camps come as a great blessing. The Jammu city is all set to host a slew of summer camps popularly called Fun camps for children. The parents are happy that the time is properly utilized instead of rolling on the bed for long hours or watching TV or eating junk food. Pick up any local daily newspaper and find it cluttered with news and advertisements about these special programmes’.
So dear children, pack your bags and get yourself enrolled in these special camps which are a great combination of learning with fun. The increasing popularity of such camps is evident as most parents believe that such summer programmes teach a number of life skills and thereby ensuring that it is a source of continuous learning.
There is a plethora of programmes offered for the tiny tots which includes Personality Development, Contemporary Dance, Computer Awareness Program, Art and Craft, Pottery, Cooking and much more. However, identifying what the child likes and giving her/him an exposure to discover her/his passion plays an imperative role.
Some schools in the city have planned a summer workshop for students in the age group of 03-15 years in the school premises. There is an array of refreshing activities which include Art and Craft, Pottery, Cooking, Theatre and Personality Development. If you feel that learning to shake a leg is a cool way to spend your summer vacations, there is a provision for the same. Here you can groove to your favorite Bollywood numbers, and have fun and exercise at the same time. Children will also be taught sports like Swimming, Skating, Gymnastics and Aerobics. Swimming camps are quite popular among children to have fun during the summer and to beat the heat as well. It is definitely the best exercise in summer. Classes will also be organized on Music and Dance.
Pooja Gupta, a mother of two, shared “My son is good at sports so I have decided to enroll him in the sports activity and my daughter likes dancing so I will send her for dance classes. However my first priority before enrolling them in any camp would be to check whether there are qualified teachers and coaches to take care of the kids or not”.
These camps give an opportunity to the children to express their feelings and emotions and also explore their hidden talents. Not only this, children learn by watching other camp mates. These help children to reconnect with people and help them make true friends thereby inculcating a sense of brotherhood and sociability among   them. The camps are a way of boosting the confidence of the children. These camps are a good way to unplug the children from technology (sitting in front of idiot-box, or computer screen or playing games on cell phones) and bring them back to real life. There is a need to hone the artistic skills of the children and at the same time improve their physical fitness. Let kids get a little dramatic, learn a craft, cook in style, groove a little. Let the artist in children come out and play with colours, clay and paper. It is better that we unleash our child’s creative power this summer!