ISRO’s ambitious plans

ISRO’s space missions for the 12th Five Year Plan seem to be very ambitious and path-breaking.  Cleared by the Union Cabinet for 39,750 crore rupees plan budget, ISRO is in a happy position to launch space crafts on the Moon and the Mars, and deploy 500 transponders in next five years. Its own version of Global Positioning System will launch constellation of seven satellites to form Indian Navigational Satellite System (INSS). The “Eye-in-the Sky” Geo-Imaging Satellite will be stationed at 36000 km above for round the clock vigil. Apart from serving country’s security needs, this satellite will also monitor natural calamities like floods, earthquake damages etc. The country is proud of the achievements of ISRO made so far but at the same time, it is also looking forward to positioning India among the few countries of the world which have advanced space technology for peaceful purposes. Hopefully, with the enviable technical expertise indigenously developed by ISRO, India will stand in line with other highly advanced countries in the field of space science. It is a matter of great pride for the country and our scientists and technocrats at ISRO deserve recognition. Our advancement in space science is the result of the contribution of our reputed scientists especially Dr. A.P. J. Kalam, the father of Indian Space Research.