Inquiry into disproportionate assets complaint against Dhumal closed

SHIMLA: The Himachal Pradesh Government has closed the investigation into a disproportionate assets complaint filed against BJP leader and former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal in 2015, on the recommendation of the State vigilance and anti-corruption bureau, officials said.

The Virbhadra Singh-led previous Congress Government in the State had ordered vigilance inquiry against Dhumal on the basis of a complaint by a Dharamshala-based lawyer who alleged that the BJP leader owned properties disproportionate to his declared assets.

“The recommendation was sent to the State Government to close the probe against Dhumal as his assets had not been found disproportionate to his known sources of income during thorough inquiry into the complaint,” said Atul Verma, Additional Director General, State vigilance and anti-corruption bureau (SV & ACB).

He said the State Government decided to close the inquiry against Dhumal on the basis of the SV & ACB recommendation. (AGENCIES)