IEAC constituted for management of crisis in Ladakh UT

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Mar 31: Ladakh has constituted a UT level Immediate Emergence Assistance Committee (IEAC) for effective planning, monitoring and management of any kind of crisis of emergencies arising in the Union Territory.
Headed by the Advisor UT Ladakh as Chairman, the committee shall be responsible and competent for taking effective remedial measures for tackling any untoward crisis of any kind that may arise in the UT of Ladakh.
It shall provide expert guidance to the UT Administration for handling major crisis situation and suggest measures for prevention and mitigation of the risks associated with the crisis.
The Committee shall devise holistic contingency action plans, interventions and SOPs for the management of different types of crisis and examine the adequacy of existing resources involved in the management of crisis.
The committee shall meet fortnightly and as soon as possible after receipt of information of any emergency situation in the UT.
The 12-member committee comprises Administrative Secretary, H&ME, head of Police Ladakh, Administrative Secretary GAD, Divisional Commissioner Ladakh, IG ITBP Ladakh, Air Commondor, AOC Leh, one representative each of Chairman LAHDC Leh and Kargil, Chief Engineers, head of UT DRF Unit Ladakh and any other expert as co-opted.