“Hum Vapas Aayangae”

“Hum Vapis Aayangae” is not a mere rhetoric but a resolve of every ‘Kashmiri Pandit’ to go back to their home, where their heart lies. This is that appetite for which our three generations remained deprived of. On 19th January 1990, Kashmiri Pandits were not only driven out by Islamic fundamentalist, but they were also abandoned by every political party, because of which the peace loving community was forced to live like refugees in their own country. This was the benevolent of “Great Bala-Sahib Thackrey”, who gave the reservation in a number of Maharashtra colleges, subsequently followed by the rest of the country which may be one of the reasons Kashmiri Pandits could dream of pursuing education in premier institutes. “Shikara” has in a way consolidated pain, agony and tried to forward the samvad instead of Vivad with our own people despite any religion. This is the right time because generation of 70’s-80’s is the only bridge left between both the communities which will help to understand Kashmiriyat. The new generation of both the communities has grown up with lots of bitterness, then it may be inter-family, intra-family or inter-community. Kashmiriyat has been eroded at multidimensional level. If we go back in the history, we can realize Kashmiriyat in real sense. The three decades of displacement has made the community either resilient or community has conditioned itself to face the extreme conditions.Can’t we expect from young generations to think and come up with a plan -how can we reconcile? How can we proceed for Samvad which will facilitate our Vapasi. The young generation has to work at differential levels to once again remake the balanced society where only knowledge, wisdom and education will prevail.
Lets pledge to think and make it possible so that folks will return to their home and hearth to cherish our Kashmiriyat back with our old neighbours and some day we will celebrate our Herat(Shivratri) in Kashmir, enthusiastically we will receive “Salam” (Greetings) from our old neighbours.
Rashim Deepika