
Tuesday Sept 29-2015

Aries : Today you have a strong urge to meditate in solitude. Even though it may have been caused by some setback, Ganesha says you must honour the urge. It may be meditation involving some intense activity, or you may simply sit and watch the world as it whizzes past.

Taurus : Getting through today will be like a cruise, says Ganesha. Business deals will kneel to the charm of your honey tongue and you will taste success. As the day progresses, you may lose interest in things. Beware of being too sentimental in the evening, warns Ganesha. You will feel loved and generous in social gatherings tonight.

Gemini : You will be able to run through all your tasks today. The fruits that you reap today will be in much higher proportion to the efforts that you put in, and this will make you happy. You need to pay more attention to your societal ties, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Will be fruitful to adopt the middle path today. Or else, you tend to take a hasty decision with your heart and not mind. That will throw up many riddles in the future. A fruitful day for artists and creative people. At the end of the day, you will be happy and jovial.

Leo : You will desire to do some creative work today. You will try to bring your inner creativity to the fore. The matters in which you lag behind people will be brought into focus today. You need to be more active in dealing with these issues to progress in life, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your ability to keenly focus on things will reach its zenith today, says Ganesha. You will enjoy your work and complete your tasks proficiently and quickly. An unexpected turn of events may take place later today, but it will not give you too much cause for worry. Ganesha says physical intimacy will only enhance your love for your beloved.

Libra : Ganesha sure hopes that you packed your kit right and are ready to take on anything, as today promises to be an action-packed day. Most of this action might concentrate around your family members. Towards the afternoon, you may begin to feel weighed down by household responsibilities. But on the upshot, look forward to a new relationship that might develop in the evening, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Proposals of your choice will come your way today says Ganesha. You shall probably retreat into your shell in the afternoon. But the passing hours will bring out a different you. At work, you shall greatly impress your boss with sparkling results, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You shall push yourself to the limit to make sure your authority goes unquestioned. Colleagues and seniors will laud you for your commitment. Expect that wallet to get heavier as you receive some cash gains, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will be in a bad state of mind today, feels Ganesha. Just when you thought you are done with all the pending work, you will have a pile of files on your table. You will handle your money matters very wisely. You will wind up the day enjoying a romantic dinner or going out for a drive, and spending good amount of time with your partner.

Aquarius : When you are least expecting, you may find the one from your dreams. You will be love struck today and barely concentrate on work or studies. You will be unable to identify your emotions and probably spend most of the day gazing in the sky, smiles Ganesha. Later, you will prefer to spend time with yourself and bring a quiet end to the day.

Pisces : Your decision-making ability will be at its finest today, with all your spontaneous split-second decisions hitting the mark. However, do not get carried away by your early successes and temper your responses, for there could be implications later. You will make your presence felt in meetings with your bosses, says Ganesha.