
Sept 23-2015

Aries : You will try to find the right balance between home and work, because the sullen countenance of your kids has touched you. Ganesha says in the evening, after the busy hours at work, get your Monopoly game out and teach your little ones a few things about money.

Taurus : Your health and fitness cannot be taken for granted this day, asserts Ganesha. Be careful of what you eat and drink. Avoid dust and smog. You could get indisposed in any number of ways. If there are signs of illness, consult a medical specialist with wasting any time. You may become too free and in spending money. Extravagance of any kind will cause you money problems. Be particularly careful about this.

Gemini : You will realise that to stay strong and focused, you need the aid of all your loved ones and close relatives. You need to take time out and nurture these special relationships. Your emotions towards these people will become more concrete and strong. However, this could also lead to clashes due to differences of opinion during the course of a conversation, in the later half of the day, says Ganesha.

Cancer : An auspicious to begin new ventures, which will be of long duration and also profitable. may buy a new house or car. Gain is also likely from friend circle. Students may excel and show concentration.

Leo : You are facing turbulent times, inspite of your hard work. Obstacles to progress are commonplace and should not tie you down. You need to keep working hard and sooner rather than later, the fruits of your labour will faill into your lap, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha says that if your authority is questioned today, you will probably take to wielding your stick. A risky financial venture is a distinct possibility. Something unexpected and unpleasant in the evening will give you cause for some worry. However, Ganesha advises you not to take it to heart, as there is a lot of hope.

Libra : It’s that time again when folks get together and catch up on old family stories, says Ganesha. So expect to be part of a grand reunion with your close and distant relatives whom you might not have seen in a long time. Today might just prove to you that distance can do nothing to dampen filial ties. Also, look forward to meeting new people in the evening on this joyful and beautiful day.

Scorpio : The day may be slightly challenging today. The day at field may be highly constructive, while in office your may be bogged down with a lot of work. However, romantic relationship may add some spice to your life and offer some surprises. Enjoy to the hilt!

Sagittarius : You get your rivals and competitors thinking for your sheer smartness in the professional field. It’s time to clink glasses as you have the knack to survive the cut-throat competition. Evening will be spent rejoicing with near and dear ones at a social gathering.

Capricorn : You have always believed in living in the present, but today you’ll think and plan about the future. The uncertainties of life make you understand the importance of saving for the future contingencies. You will forgive and forget about the pain some of your relationships and loved ones have given you earlier. Sometimes you may feel that others are taking you for a ride, but you’ll turn a blind eye to that after a while, as you know patience is your strength.

Aquarius : You possess a nice quality of eloquence. Today, you will make a speech/presentation or conduct a discussion forum where everyone will love to hear your opinions. Your communication skill will help you get through the heart of someone you like. But, don’t blow your own trumpet all the time, advises Ganesha.

Pisces : You will be ready to lay down your life for your near and dear ones today. Even if you don’t do anything so melodramatic, you will end up sacrificing your comfort to benefit someone close to you. It is best to postpone important decisions for a day, or three. Do not indulge in taking risks, for they are unlikely to pay off, says Ganesha.