
Aries : You will be torn between work and family as both try to grab your attention. You may reserve the evening for having fun. You crave to become famous and are likely to accomplish your ambition shortly. You have Ganesha’s blessings to support you.
Taurus : Ganesha sees you happily engaged in attending to day to day affairs. The day will turn out to be a hectic one. Do not expect too many time outs or even small breaks. Fortunately you will not be too uncomfortable with your tight schedule and will feel as fresh and easy at cease work as you had been at the beginning of the day. Having accomplished so much without stress or difficulty, you will feel very pleased and content..
Gemini : You have a certain degree of equanimity when it comes to reacting to praise and criticism. Today, however, you will be emotional, and it won’t be too bad. You will get appreciated at work and your liberal show of emotions will only make others like you more. Your colleagues will say three cheers for you. But avoid an emotional outburst as it may turn cheers into jeers.
Cancer : Today, Cupid will send its arrow right through your heart. You will be trembling with pain – the sweet pain of lust and love. But the overzealous Cupid may not stop at just that. Just to be completely sure, it will virtually do shooting practice at you. You can do nothing but tell your love interest how badly you have been hit. However, Ganesha suggests that you be as conservative as possible in your approach.
Leo : It is good to be impulsive sometimes; but if one were to ask you today, you would be all for a meticulously planned approach to life. So much so that from now on, planning will become almost a part and parcel of your life, predicts Ganesha. So, it is expected that you plan everything to perfection today, although the execution of your plans may be a different story. But you can’t do everything, can you? At least the good thing is that you make a great display of your organisational capabilities, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Today you need to carry on with your success without resting on your past laurels. You will also need to stay focused and organised to continue with the same success level that you enjoyed in the past. Pay attention to your relationship matters as they are the quintessential of your success and peace of mind.
Libra : It is very likely that you will arouse immense jealousy in others with your success and growth in business. Your business rivals may attempt to dent your credit worthiness in one way or the other. You may prefer to deal with them subtly rather than confront them openly, feels Ganesha.
Scorpio : You may find yourself at crossroads, wondering which path to take. Crucial decisions regarding your personal life may numb your thoughts. Let this not interfere with your routine or it may lead to complications at work and with loved ones. Avoid making any hasty decisions, and in case you cannot find an apt solution, then delay the decision altogether, advises Ganesha.
Sagittarius : You seem to be on a self-appreciation mode today. Grooming, makeover and attracting attention in on your cards today, you make extra efforts to get that glamorous look for your self. And as Ganesha says, it will surely not go unnoticed as you bag a lot of compliments for it. One of the fortunate days in store for you!
Capricorn : You regret spending hefty amount of money on branded items and luxuries, but you’ll see a ray of hope today, feels Ganesha. Your bank account is strengthened by some heavy cash flow, and needless to say, it will give you a great relief. Now, you’ll understand the value of money and curb on your urge to spend lavishly. Your work place will make you feel more comfortable.
Aquarius : Today is your day! Your performance will speak for itself and everyone at work, including bosses, will appreciate your efforts, says Ganesha. Work will not seem burdensome any more, in fact you will enjoy your job like never before. You may wish to contact some old friends and be in touch with them once again.
Pisces : You are likely to feel a lot of tension and stress today. You will feel down owing to some disagreement with someone or due to some unfathomable reason. Even that special someone will be unable to chase away your blues. A little meditation will help you to bounce back and get into your daily routine, says Ganesha.