
Monday May 17-2021

Aries : You are brimming with ideas and will be ready to share them with anyone who wants to benefit from them. You are in a loving and generous mood. If you are planning to convince your grandmother to go in for a makeover at a beauty parlour, Ganesha gives you the thumbs-up.
Taurus : A good day for money and love (you need more?). A quality, professional approach will help you shine out in business today. Be it launching a product or marketing it, you will win yourself hearts, smiles and a bundle of green. Let the leader in you take over during the day and the lover in you return by night, says Ganesha.
Gemini : You fill be filled with energy and enthusiasm in the morning. You will be able to productively utilise your energy in your work. You will be able to take up projects dear to your heart. You will spend the evenings in the company of your family and friends and will be able to relax and unwind in luxury, says Ganesha.
Cancer : Today you are likely to be full of enthusiasm, both at work and home, predicts Ganesha. At work, your convictions will get the better of other people’s vindictiveness, and your colleagues will come around to your viewpoints. But don’t take any critical decision without prior approval.
Leo : You will indulge in some important discussions with your family members and clarify some matters. You need to approach issues without prejudices. Do not judge without having all the facts at your disposal. You will spend the evening with your loved one, says Ganesha.
Virgo : You are bursting at the seams with the creativity bubbling within you. However, you will find yourself struggling more than usual in dealing with the challenges at work. There are some monetary benefits on the cards. Ganesha advises you to take good care of your health.
Libra : Ganesha says that your mind will be full of small and large worries that will trouble you through the day. To gain mental peace it is advised that you spend time mediating or doing yoga. There may be chances of you going out for recreational purposes, which will change your mood. The health of some close family member will make you tensed. Remain calm. Ganesha wishes you success in whatever you do.
Scorpio : You feel like going back to childhood days when being disciplined was your forte. Businessmen are likely to earn good profits, foresees Ganesha. More profits may also lead to more product related expenditure. Set out on a long drive with your partner and kids to enjoy the small pleasures of life.
Sagittarius : You act responsible today, and plan a secured future for your kids. For that matter, you go for long-term investments. You will put in extra efforts at work and come out with flying colours. In the evening, you are in a mood to paint the town red. Have a lovely evening!
Capricorn : There are a number of problems which make you think that the day will not be very fruitful. But, something different is in store for your, today. Luck is favouring you and it will show in every project or assignment you undertake, predicts Ganesha. You will feel sentimental today, and will not be able to make decisions based on logical reasoning. Adding to your woes will be the expectations of your family members, which you will find difficult to handle.
Aquarius : You need to understand the importance of time as soon as possible. If Plan A is not working, put Plan B into practice, advises Ganesha. You can also ask for help from somebody who is experienced and good at organising. Asking for directions, it will save your precious time.
Pisces : You will begin your day thinking about household matters and problems. By afternoon it will appear as though you have found a solution. Take all important decisions in the afternoon. Ganesha says your day today will be positive and adventurous.