
Monday  April  26-2021
Aries : Today, you may just want to delve deep into yourself. You realise the importance of polishing the mirror of your soul and Ganesha approves. Spontaneity is important too, and spending time with children is an excellent way to keep in touch with it.
Taurus : Today will be a day of nostalgia as all your good memories bring a smile to your face. You might encounter a few problems that will drive you to the edge of the cliff. Do not delay pending conversations with your better half and bring affection to the table when you do so, says Ganesha.
Gemini : Today is an important phase in your life. You will be making a few crucial decisions. At work, you will come up with several fresh ideas, which, along with your willpower, form the winning concoction for your company. In the evening, you may spend a few extra bucks on comforts and entertainment, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will be quite sentimental and emotional today. you will help needy relatives. You will reach new heights in romantic interlude. Ganesha indicates that a member of the opposite sex will attract you and you reap full advantage of this attraction.
Leo : You will find success only after putting in hard work in every task, says Ganesha. On the other hand you will be in the mood to throw a party and enjoy with friends. You will incur expenses on entertainment. You need to carefully watch your finances, says Ganesha.
Virgo : You don’t find it altogether too difficult to understand the importance of a happy family life. Your partner will try to work up the excitement in your relationship in the afternoon. So Ganesha advises you to do your best to keep fanning the fires of love, which is not always such a bad thing.
Libra : Ganesha says that today may not be a great day for you professionally as higher ups in your office may try to block your path to success. You will have to spend more time doing work and this will mean spending less time with your family. Ganesha says never forget the sacrifices your family members have made for your success.
Scorpio : Important discussions in family would keep you occupied almost throughout the day. However, you do not neglect your work for that, says Ganesha. New projects are about to begin. Travel and tours are on the cards, along with expenses.
Sagittarius : It’s a profitable day for the all the businessmen today. You are likely to crack major deals. You will be appreciated for you professionalism at work. It’s high time you take risk and launch new products in the market, tips Ganesha.
Capricorn : You will be the centre of attention at work, foretells Ganesha. You will put your best foot forward and impress everyone around, including your boss, with the level of efficiency you bring to the table. Some of your colleagues may have given you a hard time in the past and said mean things behind your back, but today, they will also give you a pat on your back for your achievements.
Aquarius : During the first half of the day, the smallest of problems may get on your nerves. But, somehow you will still be able to focus on your goals, says Ganesha. You may have an unexpected but substantial increase in your bank balance in the evening. Identify your career priorities and grab every opportunity coming your way.
Pisces : Hard work and dedication will rule the roost today but all your work and effort won’t be in vain, says Ganesha. You will spend your entire day over a problem or to achieve your goal but before the end of the day it will be well within your reach. Your success will depend on you ability to be patient. Restlessness and impatience may sour the fruits of your labour, warns Ganesha.