
Friday May 15-2020

Aries : You probably have a big circle of friends, and though most of them may be casual friends, they may sometimes prove to be favourable. They may help you overcome some dejections. It will also help you figure out the importance of the role friends can play.

Taurus : You are likely to be become too ambitious today and strive to outdo others. So says Ganesha. You will be over eager to do some thing big, lay your hands on something precious and valuable. Though you are quite likely to succeed to some extent you over enthusiasm may land you in serious problems that may affect your persona; and private life.

Gemini : You will be seized by a desire to go on a trip with friends and family. This trip may have been some time in the planning as well. The day will be filled with fun and frolic and entertainment. Marital life will be blissful as well, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will labour more to finish pending tasks. You will give priority to career compared to personal chores. So you will be caught up in your career and business riddles. By evening, however, you will have cheerful moments as Ganesha sees you having cherishing time with your beloved.

Leo : You will leave no stone unturned to satisfy and please your partner today. So your chances of slipping up are very slight. You will be able to impress your partner today. You need to be careful in all your financial dealings today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Give attention to your deepest feelings. A small excursion may be on the cards. Ganesha says today you will easily get along with other people. You will shower your sincere love and affection on your near and dear ones. Use your magical skills to improve your relationships.

Libra : Ganesha says you will try to gain in-depth knowledge about new technological inventions in your spare time today. Some of you may have queries regarding higher education that you may be able to take up today and reach a conclusion about.

Scorpio : The ground beneath you seems a bit shaky; watch your steps. A time would come when your confidence would be shattered, however, don’t let set-backs and failures affect you. Adapt the attitude of ‘this too shall pass’ and the rest would fall in place, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You nearly become a superhero in the eyes of your near and dear ones, says Ganesha. And what more? You loving your new avatar. Good news is on its way as promotion or increment is on the cards.

Capricorn : You are a die-hard romantic and with every plan to please your sweetheart, you are taking him/her closer to the cloud nine. But, don’t live in fantasy world, warns Ganesha, as problems are going to follow you everywhere. If you are a businessman, your rivals may give you a hard time. Take proper care of your health, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : You spend a lot of time planning for a better future. Sure, it does minimize the chances of errors as you know possible obstacles in advance. But, the time you spend for calculations takes you away from the reality and you don’t fully concentrate on what you have now. Learn to balance, advises Ganesha.

Pisces : You know how important money is and you will think about it all day. You will think less about expenses today and more about prosperity and fame today. Worry about family might increase and in return they will support you, says Ganesha