
Friday Oct  04-2019

Aries : Since you want to examine things and carry out some research, you will get all the required equipment ready today. You will also be very irritable, and anyone posing a hurdle will face your wrath. Ganesha advises you to be more caring and considerate about the needs of your near and dear ones.

Taurus : You will be particularly warm and intimate to your friends and family members. Ganesha says that you will miss no opportunity to show them how much they mean to you. Your superiors and, back at home, your elders are likely to be unusually benign and well disposed towards you. Later, you will settle down with your family members and sort out domestic effectively, to everyone liking and satisfaction.

Gemini : You will be faced with difficult situations and circumstances today. You will become sentimental as a result. You will be able to extricate yourself only when the time is right from these adverse circumstances. You will receive co-operation from your colleagues. This will ease some of your burden, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will feel self-satisfaction. Your simplicity will impress people. You may visit a religious spot to set up rapport with God. A beautiful and inspiring day, says Ganesha.

Leo : A beneficial day awaits those who are self-employed. You will find new and interesting projects. People working in the creative fields will also be able to make much progress. You will be filled with energy, enthusiasm and hope today, and will make efforts to achieve success, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The day will transform from being the usual bore to an exciting evening, predicts Ganesha. Afternoon may hit a snag, though, with stress rising alarmingly. But come sunset and all that will evaporate as you enjoy the warm, loving company of loved ones, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha says you will wish to spend the maximum time with your beloved only. After some intimate discussions with the person you will find yourself growing closer to them. Today you will be the center of attention for a lot of people today. People will be happy and impressed by your wit and ability.

Scorpio : Ganesha advises you to practice caution today. There may be a lot of people who may be green with envy as you are better than them in every way. Words of wisdom by you may not only change their opinion about you, but also win you accolades in social circles.

Sagittarius : If you see people fainting when you pass by, blame it on that thousand watts, sparkling smile of yours. At work, your colleagues will benefit from your expertise and skills. In the evening, your heart may be thumping faster as your plan a special date with your sweetheart!

Capricorn : Never judge a book by its cover. Same applies to human beings, also. And, you are one of them. At first, you may not be able to impress the other person with your looks, but once you display your communication power, you win him over, feels Ganesha. You are blessed with an art, the art to convince others. Ganesha advises you to maintain a calm head over your shoulders.

Aquarius : Today, you will pay attention to the smallest and the simplest things of life. You will learn to appreciate the beauty of life and imperfections of people, while showering your love upon your near and dear ones, says Ganesha. People around you will surely be pleased with your amicable approach.

Pisces : You might leave for an unplanned work related or social journey today. Small things will give you happiness today. In short, your day after noon time will be easy going and lucky. Ganesha assures you of success at work.