
Tuesday Aug 27-2019

Aries : You are creative, and today you will prove to be resourceful and thereby successful! Okay, you are ambitious, says Ganesha, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Be confident of your abilities, work hard and have faith in providence.

Taurus : You will feel the burden of financial responsibilities on your shoulders today, says Ganesha. Do not let expenses bother you. Money will come to you from unexpected sources later in the day. If you can maintain an impartial judgement, then you will yield wonderful results on the financial front, advises Ganesha.

Gemini : Today, you would love to spend as much time alone as possible with your sweetheart, says Ganesha. A casual conversation between the two of you may culminate into a sensuous consummation. In the evening, you will keep people charmed with your wit and wisdom, feels Ganesha.

Cancer : If you are a stockbroker, you may feel that things are not going too well for you. Today, you may regret being a stockbroker. Manufacturers must delay the launch of a new product. However, after a waiting game, you may go on to launch the product with a fanfare. Ganesha wishes you a good luck.

Leo : Everyone wants to be different. But little do they realise that they already are unique, says Ganesha. Today, you may meet a lot of such different people at work, some of whom may even test your patience. Always remember that working in a team means balancing a variety of egos and opinions. Ganesha’s advice for you today is to learn to deal with different belief systems, and not simply to look for a way to avoid conflicts.

Virgo : Professionalism will be overshadowed by personal preoccupations. Drill your way out of problems today by meeting them head-on. Don’t get stuck up on the emotional front, especially in the evening, cautions Ganesha.

Libra : Gear up to play the peace maker today! Your ability to handle a ‘Brady Bunch’ hasn’t gone unnoticed. So expect to be put in charge of handling disputes among your subordinates at work today, hints Ganesha. Research work may slow to a crawl today, but the offshoot is that it’s an auspicious day to enter into new contracts. You might want to arrange that bit of business over lunch. Good food has a tendency to lead to successful end of negotiations. Just don’t forget to compliment the chef and leave a tip.

Scorpio : Work pressure will keep on mounting today, predicts Ganesha. But you shall handle it with great style, all thanks to your patience. But keep a watch on the radar and learn how to spot stress early and then act on it as quickly as you can.

Sagittarius : You are caught in a whirlpool of emotions, predicts Ganesha. You may come across many ups and downs today. However, nothing seems to deter you from your determination and dedication towards work.

Capricorn : The work load may take away all your vigour, leaving you lethargic and dull, but you will come out of the sluggish phase before it can do any harm to your reputation, says Ganesha. Being observant and attentive while in meetings will help you in the long run, and in more ways than you can imagine. As you may have already guessed, it won’t be a very productive day, it but won’t be a very bad one either.

Aquarius : Good news from across the seven seas brings cheer! If you’re seeking a visa, you may get one today. Everything looks positive and it reflects in your mood. Share your happiness with your family, says Ganesha, and you will find it multiplies manifold.

Pisces : Today just might be the day when you invent a better mousetrap. However, your ideas have a propensity to wane and wax at the same speed, says Ganesha. Hence, keep a notebook handy to jot down all your earth-shattering revolutionary ideas.