
Thursday  Nov 08-2018

Aries : Ganesha will play Cupid with you today. You will be seized by temptations, and may even forget that your desires are one-sided. If in a troubled relationship, you may get insights into some unresolved matters, says Ganesha.

Taurus : This day you could be in for some unexpected and unpleasant shocks, warns Ganesha. There is a strong likelihood of getting insulted or humiliated. You must therefore be alert and on your toes. You could that way, manage to avert situations that may threaten your standing and reputation. If, however, you do get hurt, control you urge to retaliate. If you can forget the issue and forgive the offender, you will score a moral victory and your spirits will soar.

Gemini : Your interest and performance in sports will go from strength to strength, says Ganesha. You are feeling a bit anxious and will not be able to concentrate on a single job. Instead, you will move from one project to another. You will spend more time at work and less time with the family.

Cancer : You will take advantage of your ability to influence people, predicts Ganesha. At work, your power to communicate will receive widespread approval. You will enjoy social activities later in the day. Meditation will help you relieve your tension in the evening, suggests Ganesha.

Leo : You may blame the weather, but it still doesn’t change the fact that today, you shall be more or less in the doldrums, with little prospect of feeling strong and spirited, says Ganesha. This, coupled with other things, may lead to confrontation and quarrels with peers on the work front. Bearing the state you are in, it seems prudent to hold the launch of any new business project today. But things shall begin to look better towards the evening, as you manage to have a wonderful time with your kin, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Signs indicate that you shall bring changes you wanted at your workplace. Cash flow will be outrageous, even as your loved ones – on whom it is spent – will love it. Members of the opposite sex will be charmed by your appeal, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha says you will see your hard work come to fruition today. This is a good and profitable day for all those of you who are associated with the business field. For those of you who are working professionals this will be a day when your senior officials will praise you for taking up tough tasks and completing them satisfactorily. Ganesha advises you to avoid arguments today

Scorpio : Your tolerance level is sky-high, and your optimism, boundless. Professionally, you are like Iron Man — heart of gold, nerves of steel (without the red and gold costume, of course). Academic pursuit in the arts will take you to new horizons. Remember the lessons of life by heart — they will help you to serve society better.

Sagittarius : Your role in bringing around important and influential deals will be pivotal indeed, says Ganesha. However, at work, the final result may not actually be up to the standards you expected. But a pleasant evening with your beloved will clear all such shadows and lighten your mood.

Capricorn : Your creative bent will come to the fore, and you will also prove to be a very resourceful person, says Ganesha. The valuable advice that you offer to people will help improve their situations at work as well as home, earning you the reputation of a fine counsellor or healer of many ills. Unlike many others who sympathise, you will empathise with those you find in trouble and it is this side of you that may work wonders in the future.

Aquarius : You’ll go on a cleanliness drive, today! Cleaning up the mess will bring clarity to your mind and you will have an idea about what needs to be done at the earliest and what can be put on the back burner. With the wit and intelligence you possess, you will be able to solve problems in minutes, foresees Ganesha. Don’t overestimate your capabilities; instead examine all the pros and cones carefully before arriving at any decision.

Pisces : The feelings of resentment that you have been harbouring since some time will not allow you to take any criticism that comes your way in the right spirit. This does none harm, but you. Learn to let go of your negative thoughts and indulge in some harmless fun and frolic today, says Ganesha.