Tuesday Dec 26-2017
Aries : You’re finally impressed by the yogis. A degree course in Art of Living? Ganesha approves. You may even fulfill a desire to begin lessons in music or dance, or something that has interested you since long. A good, good day, and it smells of sweet success.
Taurus : Today is a day of closure. You may find yourself on the winning side of things, says Ganesha. Pending projects will reach completion and you will achieve satisfaction and success in education. With a little extra effort, you can build a castle from stone. Ganesha wishes you a cheerful and colourful day.
Gemini : Your entire attention will be concentrated on the work-front today. You will be on the lookout for new projects and contracts to spur on your earnings. Opportunities for changing your job will come knocking on your door. You will be afforded the full co-operation of your colleagues today. Make the most of the day, says Ganesha.
Cancer : Ganesha says that you will carve out your path for progress. You will get respect and recognition from people. Business rivals and illness may bother you. Beware of enemies’ actions. Your alertness will thwart their designs.
Leo : The pressure at work will be high. Some person may try to tempt you with lucrative offers to go against your principles. However, you will be able to resist the lure of easy money. Your health may suffer today, so be on guard, says Ganesha.
Virgo : You may relieve all the tension and pressure inside you today, a day which will be full of light and relaxing moments. Ganesha foretells a beneficial and progressive day for you. You will receive many invitations to social gatherings and parties.
Libra : Ganesha says that you will try to enhance your skill regarding new technological inventions and will want to learn about the same in your spare time. Ganesha says that if you wish to gain success you need to first leave your ego behind. Only then will you be able to stride ahead on the path to progress.
Scorpio : Your imagination runs wild today. Though you do not travel geographically, your mind travels beyond boundaries. Think and act according to your will, advises Ganesha. However, practice caution before taking any major step.
Sagittarius : Today will be a day for introspection, says Ganesha, as you try and find the root causes of your problems. But the job is only half-done: the rest will depend on the initiatives you may take to implement possible solutions to your problems. Overall, a day spent pondering. But act fast, advises Ganesha.
Capricorn : Things may just fall in to your lap today. You will help those in need but will get extremely upset when the out come is not as per your expectations, feels Ganesha. It is not an encouraging sight and it will affect your confidence adversely. But, you are over-reacting, as these disappointments are not as big as they seem. Keep your chin up and get ready for a new tomorrow.
Aquarius : You want to spread peace and joy all around, and today you may achieve that. You, however, may have to sacrifice your own preferences and interests to ensure that the problems get solved. It is a noble thing to play the role of peace maker, but people may take you for granted, feels Ganesha. You may feel that you are leading by example, but turn back, probably nobody is following you.
Pisces : You will feel very emotional about those who are close to your heart. Those people who know you will endear you because of this quality of yours. But Ganesha adds a word of caution; take care of those people whom you hold close to your heart because in your sentiments for them you might not notice their bad qualities or forgive their mistakes. You might feel fastidious today and spend time to groom yourself in a saloon or beauty parlour.