HC clears 4-lanning of Boulevard

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, May 5: High Court has cleared the construction of four lane road along Boulevard including provision of footpath and cycle track.
Construction of four lane road along Boulevard has been given clearance on the recommendation of committee, by the court after certain condition were laid by the committee on executing body (R&B Department).
Monitoring Committee of Dal Lake has informed the court about its decisions taken with regard to preservation of the lake which was held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary of the State and court directed for filing of latest status on these decisions.
In its first decision about the enactment of legislation for preservation of all water bodies in the State court has been apprised that comments on the issue have been sought from all the concerned departments and members and after receiving these comments, the Law Department will examine the draft bill and put it before the monitoring committee. “The draft bill thereafter can be put for the public opinion and suggestions”, reads the report.
With regard to constitution of scientific advisory committee, Monitoring Committee has decided to call for a meeting of the scientific advisory committee on the date which would be convenient for maximum participation of the members of the Monitoring Committee. About the development of shifting site of Dal dwellers it has been decided to keep exploring the possibility for this mode of execution but the ongoing process of the development of Rakh-i-Arth shall continue.
Member secretary with regard to strengthening the enforcement wing has been asked to ensure finalization of tender meant for CCTV cameras and the issue of strengthening of enforcement wing it is stated that the same is linked to the proposed legislation.
For capping of plots provided for each structure under rehabilitation plan, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir has been asked to look into the matter and resolved the issue of Aadhar Cards.
Deficiency of human resources in LAWDA is a major hurdle for the authority (LAWDA) and as per VC LAWDA who states that the human resource available with it is not enough to monitor and control all encroachments. “This issue having been considered by the Monitoring Committee and requires further consideration as the Lake is spread over 23 SqKms and small number of field officers are required to be reinforced in this regard VC shall prepare a comprehensive proposal
for creation of field staff posts which shall be place before the monitoring committee in its next meeting for decision”, reads the order of court.