Harsh for preparing exit plan for stranded labourers, students

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 18: With the stranded labourers in various States restive to reach their homes, the Govt needed to work upon an exit plan so as to ensure their safe evacuation. The Centre as well as State Governments needed to appreciate their peculiar concerns and devise a suitable strategy for their safe return.
This was stated by Harsh Dev Singh, JKNPP Chairman & former Minister while addressing media persons in Jammu today.
He said it was an undisputed fact that not all stranded labourers were getting enough food, medicines and other essential items of daily use with a vast majority having become cash starved and even shelter less, adding with patience of such stranded labourers and work force fast running out, the situation could take an ugly turn if not handled appropriately.
Revealing the pathetic plight of the huge work force and students held up in other states, Singh said that he had received several videos where dozens and dozens of labourers were holed up in single rooms with hardly any concern for their health and safety. He said it was most regrettable that despite the details having been provided to the UT administration, the much needed help to these distressed workers was still elusive.
“While they were suffering outside, their families were facing worst nightmares in the absence of their bread earners”, regretted Singh.
Referring to the announcement of the PM, that agricultural workers would be allowed to undertake agricultural practices, Singh said that the stranded labourers of J&K were in actual practice small time farmers who had gone outside in search of work during off season, adding with the advent of agricultural season, they were required to reach home to work in their farms to make both ends meet. “If not evacuated immediately and brought home, it is not the workers alone who would suffer but agricultural production would also be adversely impacted leading to food grain crisis in the days to come”, said Singh.