Ground situation exposes BJP claims on development: Cong

Cong leaders and workers staging Satyagrah protest dharna at Gangyal in Jammu South.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 13: JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla and District Incharge Yogesh Sawhney today led Jai Bharat Satyagrah protest dharna at Gangyal here today.
Accompanied by Manmohan Singh, ST Chairman, Hussain Ali Wafa, Refugee Cell Congress Chairman Amrit Bali in Jammu South, it was organized by Satish Sharma and Janak Kumar.
Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla lashed out at BJP Government for “doing nothing other than making hollow claims and making life of countrymen miserable. Bhalla said “BJP-Government has completed nine years of its time. Till now, what has it done other than ‘show-baazi’. It has done nothing. He attacked BJP-led regime for not fulfilling its promise to provide employment to one crore people but also restricting job opportunities in the Government and said the funds for major social security schemes like MGNREGA have been “heavily slashed”.
Holding Govt responsible for economic crisis, Bhalla said that it is because of its mistakes that inflation has gone up. “Inflation is rising and value of money is declining. PM made only empty promises of a corruption-free India,” he said.
“The people of J&K were misled by BJP in 2014 and 2019 but they are not going to fall prey to such false promises this time,” Bhalla said.
BJP government has failed to address political and developmental aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that lack of direction and political will have compounded miseries of people of J&K. The former Minister said BJP government rather than engaging with aggrieved people with an aim to address their issues, had chosen to tread a path of isolation, arrogance and confrontation contradicting the promises made to the people of J&K. He said BJP govt’s claims of nurtured democracy, new central laws for betterment of people in this region are nothing but “concocted and fabricated” stories. He said the ground situation in the UT belies the BJP government’s claims of development during last nine years.
Sawhney said regional polarisation and efforts to divide the people on the basis of their religions could have short-term political advantages for the ruling parties, Jammu and Kashmir will always stick to its legacy of inclusiveness, secularism and tolerance. He said that those giving sermons on secularism should learn its basics from the glorious, selfless history of Congress. “We have rendered unparalleled sacrifices for the cause of secularism and inclusiveness,” he said.