GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR,Directorate of State Motor Garages J&K NOTIFICATION- It is notified for the information of all concerned who have applied for the post of ooHelper, cleaner, chowkidar, orderly and safaiwala” advertisedby this office vide Notice NO:RCD-886/1835-43 dated 2G.06.2014 & readvertised Notice No :RCD- 886 129 48-7 4 dated 26.10.2016 that: –

GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR,Directorate of State Motor Garages J&K NOTIFICATION- It is notified for the information of all concerned who have applied for the post of ooHelper, cleaner, chowkidar, orderly and safaiwala” advertisedby this office vide Notice NO:RCD-886/1835-43 dated 2G.06.2014 & readvertised Notice No :RCD- 886 129 48-7 4 dated 26.10.2016 that: –