GMC in shambles, no reason to celebrate Annual Day: DAK

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 31: A medicos’ body today said there is no reason to celebrate the Annual Day of Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar as the said institute is in shambles.
Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) president, Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan while expressing concern over ‘worsening condition’ of GMC said the institute has lost its pristine glory. “The premier health institution has been destroyed and has become a hub of corruption where purchase scams, frauds in appointments and promotions are rampant. Recent expose of procurement scams in GMC has sent shock waves across as medical corruption was unheard of,” he said here.
He said this shocking revelation has created mistrust among public and they have lost faith in doctors and hospitals which were once considered sacrosanct. “Patients in GMC and associated hospitals are dying for want of facilities and care.Patients are reluctant to go to GMC hospitals as instead of solace they get sufferings and they leave these hospitals dissatisfied,” he said.
“There is no teaching of undergraduates and postgraduates in GMC, which was once known for quality education; with the result we produce bad doctors. The GMC was meant for medical research which is visibly absent and it has been turned into a dispensary where patients are treated irrationally and unscientifically,” the DAK president said.
He claimed that during last year floods, the GMC authorities deserted patients and staff and it was because of local NGOs who rescued them and when things improved GMC authorities took the credit for a thing which they never did.
He said: “GMC is being run by a re-employed principal who is involved in corruption and because of his incompetence there is no work culture in GMC and  poor patients suffer the brunt,” adding: “the GMC authorities have organized a show today and are misleading people by portraying rosy picture of GMC while as on ground GMC is crumbling and is at the brink of devastation.”