Global Youth Parliament Summit organised

Awardees posing for group photograph.
Awardees posing for group photograph.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 23: Global Youth Parliament Summit-2021 was organised by the Global Youth Parliament (GYP) at Kathmandu, Nepal.
Diwakar Aral, President of GYP declared the summit open by his welcome speech.
The chief guest of the Summit was the Nand Bahadur Pun, Vice President of Nepal.
GYP also conducted an Award Ceremony at the National Assembly Hall, Kathmandu, Nepal, in which the Vice President of Nepal gave away Awards to International Delegates in various categories in Mega Opus Gala Ceremony.
The Indian delegation comprised of 20 members and was headed by Pawan Gupta.
Twenty-four Countries participated in the Summit.
Vice President also launched the International Educators Trainers and Researchers Foundation (IETRF) co-founded by its International President Pawan Gupta and International General Secretary Dr Atul Hans.
Pawan Gupta was bestowed upon The Global Youth Peace and Human Rights Award 2021 and International Transformational Speaker Award 2021 for his extraordinaire performance in transforming youth and his relentless work for peace and human rights across the nations.
Dr Atul Hans was also bestowed upon two Awards–The Emerging Leader Award 2021 and International Inspiring Speaker Award 2021 for his inspiring work towards upliftment of youth in the society.
Dr Seema Negi too bagged the Global Peace and Human Rights Award, Inspiring Leader award along with Best Moderator Award for her services to the society. Sandeepan Gupta, Lakshmi Arun Panikeveetil, Anuradhsri Anand, Adv. Vaishali Rode, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Dr. Rashmi Rekha Saha, Tasneem Dohadwalla, Dr. Sagareeka Roy Bhatia, Shalini Gupta, Ritesh Kapoor, Er Naresh Kumar, Sumit Kumar Verma, Ashna Shah, Amit Choudhary, Dr. Rachna Sharma, Kavita Agarwal and Dheeraj Bharti were amongst different Youth Leaders who were bestowed upon the Global Youth Leader Award 2021 for their unparalleled service to the society in their diverse field of work.
The Indian Delegation also bagged an Award for the biggest delegation.
Indian Delegation presented an eye-opening session on Education and Inclusion in which many useful deliberations were made.
Dr Seema Negi as a Narrator introduced Pawan Gupta who opened the session as the keynote speaker.
The session was co-moderated by Dr Atul Hans and Dr Seema Negi and the deliberations were recorded for the future reference.
After this session, a cultural evening was organized.
In the end, Diwakar Aral-President of GYP along with Sabin Lamichhane after giving vote of thanks declared the Summit closed.