GDCT pays tribute to Chandra Shekhar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 17: Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust (GDCT) here today paid rich tributes to former Prime Minister of India, late Chandra Shekhar on his birth anniversary.
Speakers on the occasion lauded the services of Chandra Shekhar and said that it was the Government of Chandra Shekhar at Centre in 1991 which accorded Scheduled Tribe status among others to Gujjar and Bakerwal communities of J&K due to which the community has benefitted in the field of education, employment and underwent overall development.
They said that Chandra Shekhar always rejected the politics of power and opted for the politics of commitment to democratic values and social change.
More speakers said that Chandra Shekhar always stood against the politics of personalities and favoured the politics of ideology and social change.
The gathering also prayed for peace to the noble soul.