GCCI supports hosting Defence Expo

PANAJI, Feb 29: The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has favoured hosting the Defence Expo here next month, claiming that the entrepreneurs in Goa will benefit from this event as they will get an opportunity to network with global firms and strike lucrative deals.
“Practically, all types of enterprises right from hospitality to transportation, logistics and travel companies to a large variety of service providers, hardware and electrical contractors and IT-based services to manufacturers and light engineering units stand to gain from this exhibition,” GCCI President Narayan Bandekar today said while supporting the event.
The defence exhibition is scheduled to be held in Goa between March 28-31.
“This is the first time that this exhibition is being held in Goa. There may be few Goan enterprises which are direct beneficiaries of Def Expo at this point of time, but we understand that there are many Goan firms and service providers, who have received enquiries from main and sub-contractors for supplying many goods as well as services.
“Surely, over the years, our own Goan enterprises can bag
direct contracts for supplying such goods and services,” he said.
“With a compulsion to procure at least 20 per cent of their requirements from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), big defence manufacturers look at developing MSME vendors.. And some of the biggest beneficiaries of Defexpo in the past have been Indian MSMEs who get excellent opportunity to showcase their capabilities in Defence, Aviation, Aerospace and Homeland Security, find new buyers, strike deals for technology acquisition and get ideas for developing new products,” Bandekar said.
“With Defexpo being held in Goa, many Goan MSMEs will get an opportunity to network with other Indian and foreign companies and strike lucrative deals for sub-contracts and supply solutions. It is upto Goan entrepreneurs both in manufacturing as well as service sector to make use of this golden opportunity,” he said.
“Goa should consider itself lucky that in 2012, the then UPA Government considered Goa fit to host this prestigious event and we must also appreciate the support the state is receiving from our present Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar as well our Chief Minister in ensuring that Goa hosts the exhibition successfully,” the GCCI said.
The Chamber is, however, pained to see unnecessary Opposition to the Def Expo and feels that most of it is arising out of lack of communication.
“The Opposition to Def Expo is making national and international news and is unnecessarily projecting Goa as a state that opposes anything and everything. We are already suffering because of this reputation as can be seen from the fact that for last 8-10 years, Goa has not seen any major industrial investment.
“As no new industry is coming, our Goan youth are forced to go out of the state for jobs. We should work towards changing this perception,” Bandekar said.
Goa Chamber has appealed to all the groups, who are currently opposing Def Expo, to not hold the state’s development to ransom, particularly after receiving explicit assurance from the Chief Minister as well as Defence Minister that the defence forces are not taking over the land, but the land will remain with Goa industrial development corporation.
The land will be given to Def Expo only for the duration of the event, it said.
“Chamber also appeals to the government to have a dialogue with all the groups that are currently opposing  Def Expo and clear any doubts and apprehensions they may have,” he said. (PTI)