Formation of Third Front may prove counterproductive: Soz

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 5: Former Union Minister and veteran Congress leader  Prof Saif-ud-din Soz has said that formation of Third  Front, as new experiment in the Jammu and Kashmir as suggested by some political masters, close to power corridors in Delhi, may prove counter productive.
“I am told that some sections in Kashmir Society are apprehensive that certain elements in Delhi’s power elite are seriously thinking to institute a political formation as a Third Front to play a political game that will be condusive to its (Centre’s) policy,” Prof Soz said.
” I have some knowledge and assessment that the Union of India committed many mistakes in the past in its assessment of genuine aspirations of the people of Kashmir. The masters have rightly said that those people who are not prepared to learn from their mistakes continue to repeat them,” Soz maintained.
Former PCC chief further said, ” I have a feeling that the efforts of certain short-sighted elements in Delhi’s political class will not succeed to indirectly impose a political situation that will surely be unacceptable to the general run of Kashmiris.   The best course of response to the critical situation in Kashmir, available to the Union of India is that, it should initiate an un-fettered dialogue with the Separatist leadership, at its earliest.”
Meanwhile, Prof Soz welcomed the former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha delegation, which is again visiting Kashmir shortly. He hoped for the  success of in its mission.”