Families of PoJK DPs take out protest rally

Displaced persons from PoJK staging protest at Dogra Chowk Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh
Displaced persons from PoJK staging protest at Dogra Chowk Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 20:  The displaced persons from Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir today took out protest rally and also held demonstration near Press Club here in support of their demands.
The displaced persons from PoJK under the banner of PoJK DPs Front-1947, 65, 71   assembled near Shakti Nagar Canal bridge and started protest march towards Canal Head and Jewel Chowk, demanding justice for  displaced persons from PoJK and other categories.
The members of displaced community led by their leader Capt (Retd) Yudhvir Singh Chib , president, assembled Shakti Nagar Puli in the morning and started their  protest march. They demanded that process of distribution of Rs 2000 crore package announced by Prime Minister be made simple as the displaced families are unable to prepare papers and complete the same for seeking relief amount. They alleged that revenue officials were harassing them and not providing `Nakal’ on the plea that they had not old record.
Then they reached at Canal Head and holding protest there for some time they moved to Jewel Chowk and then to Dogra Chowk. They sat on dharna   on the road there and disrupted movement of traffic for some time. The police then intervened and  cleared the road.
Later, they moved to Exhibition Ground, where they held rally and several leaders addressed the gathering.
While speaking on the occasion, Capt Chib claimed that this amount of Rs 5.5 lakh being offered by the Govt should not be treated as full and final package as many other components of the package  have been ignored.   He said that Revenue officials were demanding Ration cards of post 1971 period which most of the non-camp people do not have. They are also demanding other old records which are even not available with the State Revenue and EP Department. Under such circumstances people are unable to prepare papers. The Revenue  and EP staff is not cooperating and DPs are facing lot of hardships. It has led to hike in corruption and there is no check at all, Chib said.
He said if the speed of preparing papers remained same, and senior officers remained mute spectators, the DPs will not get relief amount in even next 10 years. He said there is strong resentment among the DPs. Even the retired Defence personnel and non-camp refugees are worst victims.
The displaced persons including women activists strongly demanded that Govt should provide them justice. They said there was no clarity in PM’s package and all type of displaced persons were still confused.   They also demanded enhancement in package announced. It is strange to observe that nearly   5300 families of the DPs have been left out. They demanded issuance of ALC certificate to DPs and  reservation to their wards. He also demanded Rs 30 lakh compensation for each DP family as recommended by JPC.
Other DPs leaders Kulbir Singh, Sakandya Devi, Rashpal Singh, R K Verma and  Hari Singh also addressed the gathering.