Fahad Shah anti-national, under cover of journalism: Dossier

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Mar 17: The dossier which forms the basis of PSA detention order passed by the Deputy Commissioner Srinagar against editor of web portal Kashmir Walla, Fahad Shah, has accused him of being an “anti-national element under the cover of journalism.”
The dossier which forms the basis of PSA detention order passed by the Deputy Commissioner Srinagar accuses Shah of being an “anti-national element under the cover of journalism.”
“You are an anti-national element under the cover of journalism and have always been found provoking, instigating gullible masses against the Government of India and Government of J&K through both electronic and print media,” the dossier reads, adding, “You have been found working against the ethics of journalism and misusing your profession by posting anti-national content which has a multi-dimensional adverse impact on sovereignty and unity of country.”
Under the guise of journalism, the dossier says, he has been actively posting content and news against the government, and its policies in such a “dramatic way that it strikes the target (gullible youth) on just a glimpse of same, but also has a deep penetration in the roots of society resulting that seeds of hatred purely based on fake, disbelief and especially anti-national ideology are sown.”
Through your online news portal, the dossier states: “You are continuously propagating stories in a particular selective narrative which is in-line with the ISI/separatist propaganda.”
Over the last two years, the dossier says: “You have followed a selective/ particular pattern of disseminating anti-India sentiment in a very subtle manner mostly though some of the stories are brazenly provocative as well.”
“Your modus operandi is to carry one to two stories per month which are based entirely on the victimhood narrative that portrays anti-India sentiment, glorifies stone pelters, (militants), and justifies separatism and violence,” it said, adding, “your news portal extensively carries only one sided and selective stories of a particular singular anti-State narrative, while any other news item or story related to good governance, or positive intervention by GoI hardly finds any mentions in the online news portal.”
“SSP, Srinagar has reported in the dossier that being a head of “Kashmirwalla” online news portal you are continuously propagating stories which are against the interest and security of the Nation and the stories mostly highlight the allegations that of Kashmir conflict and Indian State highhandedness,” reads the dossier.
“Substantive laws have been invoked against you but after every release you did not mend your ways despite being given many chances with the hope that you may not indulge in such activities further,” reads the dossier.
Referring to his tweets, the dossier reads: “You are filled with hatred against the Union of India and even a layman can judge your intentions by visiting or accessing your social media timeline.”
The dossier further reads: “You could not mend your ways and instead have chosen to continue with your subversive activities and your remaining at large will be a serious threat to the security of UT of J&K. You are highly motivated to carry on the illegal designs and are not likely to desist from such anti-national and anti-social activities.”