Educated youth joining militancy, a disturbing trend: GOC

Fayaz Bukhari

SRINAGAR, Oct 11: General Officer Commanding (GOC), Srinagar-based 15 Corps, Lt Gen Subrata Saha today said that Army has dealt with the infiltration attempts along the Line of Control effectively indicating the strength of counter-infiltration grid.
The GOC while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a blood donation camp organized by Army in militancy infested North Kashmir town of Sopore said that the troops have killed the infiltrators effectively over past few months on the LoC indicating that the counter-infiltration grid is very strong.
“The terrorists were killed on the LoC, wherever there were infiltration attempts in Macchil, Tangdhar and Keran sectors. These attempts were dealt effectively by the troops at the ground level. It is clear indication that the counter-infiltration grid is very strong”, said Lt General Saha.
The GOC said that as far Kashmir valley is concerned, the LoC is stable, however, there were two ceasefire violations and they were dealt effectively. “There was once ceasefire violation on September 30 and October 1 and second time it was on October 3 and 4. Whatever has happened on LoC during these two violations they were controlled immediately and effectively?” he added.
The General said that situation along the LoC is under full control and ceasefire violations were dealt effectively. “It is a tactical action and it was dealt tactically. We dealt them effectively. The situation along the LoC is under full control and is not out of control”, he added.
The General said that firing along the LoC is a localized affair and it should be tackled locally. “We feel whatever is happening on the LoC it is a localized affair and it should remain localized”, he added. He said that the number of infiltration attempts last month have been almost same as in August.
The GOC said despite battling with floods, Army dealt with counter militancy operations effectively. “We killed terrorist in Handwara and South Kashmir and dealt with them effectively in counter terrorist operations despite battling with floods”, he said.
Lt General Saha said that joining of educated youth into militancy is a disturbing trend and security agencies have to give special focus on this issue. “The joining of educated youth into militancy is a disturbing trend and if educated youth join militancy it creates more disturbance. We feel this is a trend and security agencies have to give special focus on this”‘ he added.
The GOC said that Army is making its efforts to engage youth so that they may not join militancy and stressed that everyone has to make its contributions towards this. “Everybody has to give attention towards this and youth should be positively engaged. As far Army is concerned we are making our contributions for the engagement of youth”, he added.