Draft ordinance ready, being sent to Governor shortly for approval

*GSPL completes survey, ready to execute project

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, May 12: State Government has prepared draft ordinance to facilitate the laying of Bathinda-Jammu-Srinagar gas pipeline and the same is being sent to Governor, N N Vohra, shortly for his consent. In the meantime, Gujarat State Petronet Limited, which has reportedly been entrusted the project, has completed the survey and digitized the route of the pipeline.
Authoritative sources told EXCELSIOR that as per the State Cabinet decision dated April 10, 2013 the Law Department prepared a draft ordinance and forwarded the same to the Revenue Department on the reopening of the Civil Secretariat at summer capital on May 6, 2013.
“At present the draft ordinance is being examined by the Revenue Department and within next few days the same will be submitted to the Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah for onward submission to the Governor, N N Vohra for his consent”, sources said, adding “it is hoped that the ordinance will be issued within this month to facilitate early start of work on the ambitious Bathinda-Jammu-Srinagar gas pipeline project”.
They informed that ordinance will not only facilitate the laying of gas pipeline but also other underground public utilities to be undertaken in Jammu and Kashmir in future. “Earlier, there was plan to get a law enacted by the State Legislature in this regard but the same could not be done because of administrative problems, which hampered timely placement of bill before the State Cabinet for its approval to introduce bill in the Legislature”, sources said.
In response to a question, sources said that M/s Gujarat State Petronet Limited has already completed the survey and digitized the route of the gas pipeline. “Soon after the issuance of ordinance the company will have a formal elaborative meeting with the State Government, finalize terms and conditions and then start mobilizing its men and machinery by opening two offices—one each at Jammu and Srinagar”, sources added.
This ambitious project originates from Punjab covering eight districts and in J&K the spur covers a distance of 243 kilometers from Samba to Srinagar comprising of eight districts—Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Udhampur, Ramban, Anantnag, Pulwama and Srinagar. Besides main gas trunk from Bathinda to Srinagar there will be hundreds of sub-lines.
“The pipelines are routed along ‘right of way’ and are generally built using stages like——route selection, surveying the route, clearing the route, trenching main route and crossings (roads, rail and other pipes etc), installing the pipe and installing valves and intersections etc”, sources said.
Responding to another question, sources said, “the construction project not only covers the civil work to lay the pipeline and build the pump/compressor stations but also to cover all the work related to the installation of the field devices that will support remote operation”, adding “the prime objective of the project is to connect Jammu and Kashmir with the National Gas Grid through the pipeline and ultimately link individual households with round the clock supply lines”.
As per the draft ordinance, “it will be the prime responsibility of the M/s Gujarat State Petronet Ltd to maintain the pipelines for gas so that there is no threat to safety and security of human life”, adding “in case of any failure to perform its duty, the company will be solely and exclusively liable to pay damages for such loss or damage”.
“The owner or occupier of the land under which gas pipeline will be laid, will not do any act or permit any act to be done which will cause any damage in any manner whatsoever, to the pipelines”, the draft ordinance said, adding “M/s Gujarat State Petronet Ltd will have not less than 80% of technical and non technical staff from the permanent residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir or the percentage Government may determine in consultation with the company”.
About the safety measures, the ordinance said, “the company will take all necessary precautions and measures for the safety of humans, property and gas pipelines. The pipeline will be of suitable steel which is safe for the condition under which it is to be used”, adding “the company will take all necessary steps to guard the gas pipeline against any act, which is likely to cause injury or loss to public or property”.
According to the draft ordinance, whoever will willfully obstruct any person in doing any of the acts authorized under the Ordinance or rules or willfully fill up, destroy, damage or displace any trench or mark will be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and fine which may extend to Rs 50,000.
“Whoever will willfully remove, displace, damage or destroy any pipeline will be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which will not be less than one year, but which may extend to three years. Such person will also be liable to fine, which may extend to Rs 2 lakh but will not be less than Rs 20,000.