Disruptive politics

In a Parliamentary Democracy Healthy Debates emanating from wholehearted participation of elected members is indispensable to churn out the truth, frame realistic policies and schemes for welfare of the whole spectrum of general public. This is first and foremost duty of the elected members of Parliament who are deemed to be the true representatives of the common masses. It is their bounden and constitutional duty to perform and deliver. They are also fully accountable for their conduct and performance as public servants. They enjoy unprecedented privileges,  and sweeping powers at the cost of common masses.
However, at this twilight hour the people are feeling suffocated and agitated at the worst kind of irony wherein their legitimate representatives are behaving contrary to the laid down norms of human decency and matured democracy. This is high time to brood over the sorry state of affairs and act efficiently. Monsoon session commenced four days back but there is no discussion, no debate on important pending matters and urgent bills of national and public interest. The whole Nation is watching helplessly the jugglery of jumbo Indian Parliament squandering National wealth in enjoying vendetta politics, settling their political scores, opposition looking hell bent on proving the point that the Incumbent Govt. is nothing but replica of the predecessor Govt. in terms of their indulgence in multi dimensional scams. This does not auger well for a progressive Nation poised to notch up a top slot on the international horizon. This is a matter of great concern for the enlightened Indian masses. The growing rot needs be ruthlessly reversed. The elite electorates have to prepare themselves for playing assertive role to enforce radical changes in the present system of Parliament democracy.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar, Jammu


Whenever we switch on TV news channels regarding the proceedings of Parliamentary session, we only watch political parties accusing each other of bribery and scams. One leader says you people have spoiled the nation with this scam  and in reply other leader says you people have spoiled with a bigger scam. And the parties witness the “tu-tu, main-main” silently.
After attaining independence in 1947, Constitution of India was adopted with the aim and objective to provide good governance to the people of India.  It was established in the sense that Parliament will function to discuss the problems of the people and frame the Laws accordingly but that happens less as can be seen from the way these MPs behave in the House.
It seems that political  parties are fully aware of the misdeeds of each other but befool the public.
Yours etc…
Rakesh Sharma
Greater  Kailash, Jammu