DGP reviews functioning of Police Public Schools, Police Parivar Fund

Excelsior Correspondent

DGP during review of Police Public Schools functioning.
DGP during review of Police Public Schools functioning.

JAMMU, Dec 11: In order to discuss the functioning of Police Public Schools, facilities in  officers’ Mess, Police Parivar Fund and conduct of 25th Police Public Mela in Jammu, a joint meeting of Board of Administration and Management Committees was held at Police Headquarters (PHQ)) here today.
Director General of Police, (DGP) K Rajendra Kumar, chaired the meeting, which was the first meeting of its kind. The meeting was attended by senior police officers, Chairperson of JKPWWA, K. Vijaya and lady members of Police Pariwar.
Mr. Rajendra, dwelling on the initiatives taken in the recent years to bring efficiency in the working of police public schools, said that our thrust has always remained to improve performance of these schools. He sought reports from Board of Administration regarding the functioning of these schools in providing quality education to the students including wards of martyrs and serving police personnel.
He said that our focus should be to upgrade the standards of education in these schools, so that the pass outs could compete in the professional examinations also, bringing laurels for the Organization. He stressed for introducing the streams in the schools which could fulfill the requirements of present times. There should be all facilities including libraries and science, computer laboratories, sports activities which could cultivate talent among the children, said the Rajendra.
The meeting was informed that more than Rs. 54 lakhs have been spent for the up gradation of police public schools during the 2014, providing better facilities for the students. Transport facilities have been enhanced and more areas covered to facilitate the students.
Mr. Rajendra disclosed that the Police Public Schools established at Srinagar and Jammu have already been equipped with the latest facilities including free hostel facilities for the wards of martyrs and the  schools at other range headquarters are being upgraded by providing infrastructure and staff. He said that the department is committed to provide standard and quality education in these schools so that our wards lead in all fields of life.
While reviewing the present status of officers Messes in Jammu, Srinagar and other places, the DGP stressed for modernization of the same. He asked to utilize the services of professional and efficient manpower for better presentations and maintenance.
Discussing the status of Police Parivar Fund, the DGP said that the Fund has been established to provide a succor to the families of police martyrs and various schemes have been introduced to benefit these families.
The meeting also decided to hold the 25th Police Public Mela at Jammu, which was earlier scheduled to be held at Srinagar in summer, but due to devastating floods in the Valley the Mela was postponed. Arrangements for the Mela came under discussion.
Among others, the meeting was attended by ADGPs, SP Vaid, Niavin Aggerwal, SM Sahai and Dilbag Singh, IGPs, Dr. B. Srinivas, AK Choudhary, HK Lohia,  Deepak Kumar, SJM Geelani, MS Salaria, SK Sharma,  Yoginder Koul, Alok Puri, MA Khan, Rajesh Kumar,  Jagjit Kumar, SA Watali, MA Ganai, JP Singh, DIGs, Garib Dass, SK Gupta, AK Atri, Johny William, SP Singh, AA Wani, Ali Mohammad, Hilal Ahmed, JL Sharma, VS Samyal and GH Bhat, AIGPs, S K Mishra, Tahir Sajjad, Rajeshwar Singh, Exn: PCD, Rashid Mustafa and SP Training PHQ, BA Shah and other police officers.