DF&SS protests against soaring prices of essential commodities

Dogra Front & Shiv Sena activists during a protest at Jammu on Friday.
Dogra Front & Shiv Sena activists during a protest at Jammu on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 30: The workers of Dogra Front and Shiv Sena (DF&SS) here today took out a protest rally under the leadership of their president Ashok Gupta demanding fixing of prices of essential commodities during holy Navratras as people are bearing the brunt of soaring prices.
Addressing the protesters Gupta said that vegetables, which are used as staple food in Navratras are being sold at sky rocketing prices and this has resulted as a big blow to the common man.
The protesters carried vegetables on their head to show that their prices have gone out of their reach.
They claimed that the concerned department has failed to do its job which has led to such a situation for the common man.
Ashok Gupta said that administration should fix prices of vegetables.
He further said that during Ramzan, the price of meat and chicken is fixed which saves the customers from inflation and the same should be done in the case of vegetables in Navratra days.
Ashish, Krishna, Khandu, Labba, Amit, Bhola and others were also present in the protest.