Demographic invasion

This is regarding the article written by K B . Jandial regarding “Demographic invasion……..” dated 6th April 2018 in your esteemed paper. He is son of the soil and no outsider to afford brushing aside his observations. The problem is that this depth of understanding is only among few whereas the majority are in a state of ” Sanu ki”. The same fate was with Kashmiri Pandits during seventies and eighties who were living in fools paradise and ignoring the undercurrents and brushing aside any thought of misfortune which would befall  on them ! There definitely is demographic change happening in Jammu . There may be different reasons for it but the fact remains, for example , that how come entire stretch of hillside from Bahu fort to Baribrahmana largely only one community has settled their habitations. Ten to fifteen years back the stretch was a forest with hardly any house worth it’s name . But today that area is the most busy of all places. Evening time it looks a starlit hillock with electric bulbs twinkling without a break which was non existent in the recent past . We feel Jammu is expanding and now call it greater Jammu. ! Let’s not get fooled . The problem is not with local settlers but definitely it is a matter of concern when foreign nationals are allowed to settle clandestinely with ulterior motives. The attack on Sunjwan army camp is an ultimate wake up call and stone pelting incident even more. Where is the intelligence agency ? Have they located the people who were co- conspirators in this dastardly act ? As pointed out by the author the Jammu Bar Association, civil society or any well meaning non political groups need to take a call and deliberate on the safety of Jammu and its people. The earlier the better .
Yours etc…
A Misri
on e-mail