Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 8: A delegation of College Teachers Association (CTA) led by the President CTA Jammu, Prof DS Manhas called on the Vice Chancellor, Jammu University to discuss the outcome of various issues related to College Teachers raised within the University earlier.
Registrar University of Jammu, Controller JU, JR Finance and Representative of DRS were also present in the meeting.
CTA had demanded allowing the college teachers to act as Co-Guides for pursuing research, provision of supernumerary seat for wards of college teachers in each of the PG Departments of the University, provision of supernumerary seat for college teachers over and above the normal intake for pursuing PhD in each Department of the University, Separate examination calendar for winter zone colleges of Jammu division, Clearance of pending bills of college teachers, establishment of single window system for collection of stationary items pertaining to Examination.
The Vice Chancellor gave a patient hearing and informed CTA that case of supernumerary seat for College teachers in pursuing PhD in each department and the case of supernumerary seat for wards of college teachers in PG Departments have been sent to University Academic Council for approval.
Regarding the case of acting as a Co-Guide, the representative of DRS was directed to issue guidelines so that College teachers can accordingly apply.
VC also directed Controller of Examination to call a meeting of Nodal Principal, Principals of Winter Zone Colleges and CTA representatives to discuss and resolve the issue of change of examination calendar for winter zone colleges and he was further directed to establish a single window system for collection of examination material within a fixed time frame.
He further informed CTA that other issues of CTA were under active consideration and will be resolved in due course of time.
The following members of CTA were present in the meeting Dr Jagjit Singh, Dr Sanjay Kotwal, Dr Vishal Sharma and Dr Davinder Kour.