DC Kishtwar conducts surprise inspection of schools

DC Kishtwar during visit to a school on Thursday.
DC Kishtwar during visit to a school on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

KISHTWAR, May 23: To ensure the smooth functioning and punctuality of educational institutions, Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Dr. Devansh Yadav conducted an unannounced inspection of schools in the Cluster Dool of Zone Nagseni.
The inspection included visits to Government Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Dool and the Middle School (MS) Malikpora Dool.
Accompanied by Deputy Chief Education Officer, Masood Hussain Qazi, and other officials from the Chief Education Office, the Deputy Commissioner’s visit aimed to assess both the functional aspects and the punctuality of the educational staff.
Additionally, the DC also reviewed the educational infrastructure in these institutions.
During the visit, Dr. Devansh Yadav highlighted the importance of the biometric attendance system, specifically the JK Attendance system, to ensure accuracy and reliability in tracking attendance.
He issued explicit instructions to teachers regarding the significance of punctuality and delivering quality education by maintaining a conducive learning environment.
The Deputy Commissioner also inspected the functioning of the STEM Labs at GHSS Dool. He stressed the importance of utilizing these labs judiciously to empower science students, enhancing their knowledge and scientific aptitude besides focusing on strengthening the profound utilisation of the Library by students .
During the inspection at MS Malikpora, the DC took note of poor sanitation and hygiene in the school and the use of infrastructure was unsatisfactory.
Show cause notice was served to erring staff and the concerned DDO was asked to stop the salary till pending enquiry.
Head of MS Malikpora was directed to operationalise toilets and use space available for classes in efficient manner.
The Deputy Commissioner emphasized the critical need to adhere to sanitation protocols in schools to safeguard the health and hygiene of students.
He also impressed upon the staff to make concerted efforts to bridge educational gaps and ensure the smooth implementation of NEP 2020 in letter and spirit.