Consumer Forum decides complaint against Motorola

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 7:  District Consumer Forum Jammu has decided a complaint against Motorola under J&K Consumer Protection Act, 1987.
Acting on a consumer complaint, filed by Sat Dev Sharma of Jammu for delivery of defective mobile handset purchased by him through Amazon from Motorola, Jt Controller LMD Jammu V S Sambyal filed complaint in Distt Consumer Forum Jammu for refund of cost of handset amounting to Rs 14,999, mental agony and Litigation charges in the Forum as per powers vested to the State under Section 10(d) of J&K Consumer Protection Act, 1987.
On receipt of complaint, the Chairman of Distt Consumer   Forum, along with members heard the case at length. Finally, the chairman along with members directed the manufacturing company to refund the cost of defective handset amounting to Rs 14,999 , Rs 10,000 for mental harassment to the complainant and Rs 5000 as Litigation charges.
The judgement has been despatched to the owner Dheeraj Sharma of Motorola company for compliance.